An unflinching look at the unsung American worker, as Mike Rowe introduces us to an elite assortment of men and women who make their living doing the most unthinkable jobs., The host takes on unusual and occasionally unsavory occupations, bringing humor to the down-and-dirty proceedings that find him in tight spots, smelly conditions and unsanitary circumstances., At the Chicago Botanic garden Mike learns how to collect seeds for a doomsday vault, but first he must mow a lake. How is algae removed from the water and why?, Host Mike Rowe takes on unusual and occasionally unsavory occupations, bringing humor to the down-and-dirty proceedings that find him in tight spots, smelly conditions and unsanitary circumstances. Rowe resolutely keeps his chin up while performing the sometimes unpleasant tasks, whether he’s knee-deep in bat guano, crawling through sewer pipes or molding garden pots out of cow manure., Dirty Jobs profiles the unsung American laborers who make their living in the most unthinkable – yet vital – ways. Our brave host and apprentice Mike Rowe.