When Hannibal decides to take his conquest on the road from Carthage to Rome via the Alps, taking the elephants gives him some troubles — but not as much trouble as this movie had at the box office. Viewers get to count Victor Mature’s chest hairs, and there are one or two good battles. Otherwise, pretty dull fare. We’d call it a spaghetti western if it were a western. Essentially the taking of a truly remarkable and interesting bit of history and reducing it down to its most boring level., Spectacle featuring horses, elephants, soldiers and ponderous direction. Victor Mature, Rita Gam. Fabius Maximus: Gabriele Ferzetti. Danila: Milly Vitale. Hasdrubal: Rik Battaglia. Mago: Mirko Ellis. Quintilius: Mario Girotti., Spectacle featuring horses, elephants, soldiers and ponderous direction.