Colossal Churches
The Trinity Lutheran Church is relocated to a heritage park 12 miles away, in Manning, Iowa; the historic Crocker Church and rectory in Sarasota, Fla., is dismantled and moved for preservation., Two teams of building movers dodge obstacles on town and country roads to relocate two Colossal Churches. In Manning, Iowa, we follow the remarkable cross-country trek of Trinity Lutheran Church. Over years, the church’s congregation had shrunk from over two hundred to just thirteen. The parishioners decided to disband the church but save the building. Topped with a steeple one hundred foot tall, can mid-West building mover Ron Holland haul the pristine structure twelve miles across rolling hills to a heritage park in one piece? While in Sarasota, Florida we follow structural mover Brett Johnson and his sons dis-assemble the iconic Crocker Church to move though the crammed downtown streets. Can the team dismantle the churchs fragile steeple for the move without it falling apart?