Rock Hudson makes a rare pre-McMillan and Wife TV appearance in this episode, in which Lucy (Lucille Ball) and Ethel (Vivian Vance) take a trip to Palm Springs without Ricky (Desi Arnaz) and Fred (William Frawley). This is part of a strategy to avoid the “boredom” of too much marital togetherness, but before long the girls are yearning to be reunited with their husbands — and vice versa. Of course, Lucy and Ethel could never admit that they were wrong to take a trip alone, nor are Ricky and Fred willing to admit that they’re lonely. It takes the timely arrival of movie star Rock Hudson for the boys and the girls to get back together again with a minimum of muss and fuss., Lucy and Ricky and Ethel and Fred are bored with each other so the gals head off to Palm Springs for a break. Rock Hudson guests as himself (and has a hand in getting the couples back together). Mrs. McGillicuddy: Kathryn Card., Lucy and Ricky and Ethel and Fred are bored with each other so the girls head off to Palm Springs for a break.