Tough prison drama about a female bank robber who seeks revenge for an escape attempt that goes tragically wrong., One of the earliest girls-in-prison yarns, Ladies They Talk About has everything but Ida Lupino as the warden–and had she been in Hollywood at the time, she would probably be here as well. Gun moll Barbara Stanwyck is thrown into San Quentin (which looks more like a summer resort than a house of detention), thanks to her involvement in a bank robbery and the machinations of D.A./preacher David Slade (Preston Foster). It isn’t political ambition that motivates Slade: he’s in love with Stanwyck, and hopes that her incarceration will rehabilitate her. Instead, Stanwyck becomes a hard-bitten prison-block leader, spearheading a jailbreak. When things go awry, she holds Slade responsible. Upon her release, she goes gunning for Slade, and doesn’t realize that she’s really in love with him until she nearly puts him six feet under., A female bank robber becomes boss of her cell block in San Quentin after a heist gone wrong lands her in prison., Gun moll Nan Taylor makes the mistake of falling in love with cop and part-time preacher David Slade. Slade repays Taylor’s affections by putting her in jail, believing prison time will help her leave her wicked ways behind – because he is in love her too.