Things look dire for Earth until Kouichi manages a desperate attack on the deranged and violent Riku, but even if he saves the world, Kouichi may not survive his latest mission.
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Linebarrels of Iron “Supernova 1 11?
A: The main cast includes Alexis Tipton,Josh Grelle,Sonny Strait,Aaron Dismuke,Bob Carter,Barry Yandell.
Q: When Did the “Linebarrels of Iron” Supernova Released?
A: The Episode “Linebarrels of Iron” Supernova 1 11 originally aired on 2008-12-12 and released in the year of 2010.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Linebarrels of Iron” Supernova?
A: Is also available in eng language.
Q: Where to watch “Linebarrels of Iron” Supernova 111?
A: “Linebarrels of Iron” Supernova 111 is Avaiable on Netflix. as its Netflix Originals.