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At The End of the Rainbow
Laura (Melissa Gilbert) and her friend Jonah (Shane Sinutko) find some shiny metal particles during a fishing expedition. Convinced that they’ve struck gold, the youngsters begin to imagine what it would be like to be rich beyond their wildest dreams. Before long, several others in town have succumbed to “gold fever” — and like Laura and Jonah, they’re in for a humongous letdown. This episode was originally scheduled to air on October 22, 1975., Laura swears her friend Jonah to secrecy after the two uncover a shiny golden ore lying in the bed of their favourite fishing hole., While fishing in a stream, Laura and her friend Jonah find pyrite and mistake it for gold. Laura spends her days amassing the “gold dust”, and begins fantasizing about her family being very, very rich…and the Olesons being dirt-poor. The secrecy starts to lead to squabbling and hasty action from the nosy Oleson children. In the end, the truth becomes a disappointment to the two excited children., Laura and a school chum find flecks of shiny metal at their fishing hole. Laura: Melissa Gilbert. Charles: Michael Landon. Caroline: Karen Grassle.