This richly detailed ensemble drama depicts a day in the life of a handful of New Yorkers, including two newspaper reporters investigating a possible murder, a slacker hunting for a rare vinyl record and two teens playing hooky from school., This ensemble drama depicts a day in the life of a handful of New Yorkers, including two newspaper reporters (Michael Cera and Abbi Jacobson) investigating a possible murder, a slacker (Bene Coopersmith) hunting for a rare vinyl record, and two teens (Tavi Gevinson and Olivia Luccardi) playing hooky from school. Written and directed by Dustin Guy Defa., This ensemble drama depicts a day in the life of a handful of New Yorkers, including two newspaper reporters investigating a possible murder, a slacker hunting for a rare vinyl record and two teens playing hooky from school.
Person to Person
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
2017-07-28Mins :
84Directed By :
Dustin Guy DefaReviews (0)
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