In this installment of the Discovery Channel series Raging Planet, tornadoes are investigated. Follow a tornado from its creation to the damage done by an F5. Storm chasers have supplied footage of some powerful funnels and super cells. This video highlights tornadoes from storms in the “Tornado Alley” of America. Also shown is the power of storms from around the world., We explore the world of the tornado, passing over the great plains of the American Midwest known as ‘Tornado Alley’ where fatal supercells kill hundreds of people each year., Close-up footage of tornadoes and firsthand accounts from people caught in the path of destructive twisters., Witness the power of these amazing storms. See the most spectacular footage of twisters ever shot, and hear the stories of people whose lives were changed forever after they encountered these mega storms., We explore the world of the tornado, passing over the great plains of the American Midwest known as ‘Tornado Alley’, where fatal supercells kill hundreds of people each year.
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Raging Planet “Tornado 1 9?
A: The main cast includes Jim Leonard,Richard Horodner,Randall Lee Rose,Robert Naughton.
Q: When Did the “Raging Planet” Tornado Released?
A: The Episode “Raging Planet” Tornado 1 9 originally aired on 1997-12-05 and released in the year of 1997.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Raging Planet” Tornado?
A: Is also available in eng language.
Q: Where to watch “Raging Planet” Tornado 19?
A: “Raging Planet” Tornado 19 is Avaiable on Netflix. as its Netflix Originals.