A comedian who’s no longer getting television and movie offers finds himself back on the road, working at comedy clubs across the country., Comedian and podcasting pioneer, Adam Carolla, set out to make a film funded entirely by his fans. $1.5 million in contributions later, Road Hard was born. Carolla stars as Bruce, a once-successful comedian whose popularity is now waning in Hollywood. Realizing that he may have seen the last of his sitcom and movie deals, he goes back to his stand-up roots, and heads back out on the road. Criss-crossing the country, staying in seedy hotels is not the life Bruce has imagined for himself, so he taps his friends for their connections and soon finds himself working as the warmup act for his rival’s talk show. Will Bruce ever reach his former glory or is he destined for a life on the hard road?, In this hilarious comedy, a comedian who’s no longer getting television and movie offers finds himself back on the road, working at comedy clubs across the country.