This color documentary concerns alleged devil worshipper Anton Szandor LaVey and his Satanic followers. He was virtually unknown before his neighbors complained to the police about the midnight roarings of his pet lion. The lion was taken to the zoo, but the Satanic Church still continued its operations. In the film, a naked witch is hugged by a boa constrictor, and a naked woman is used as an altar during Black Mass. Neighbors are interviewed and give often humorous insights on LaVey and his followers. After a career as a calliope player, a magician’s assistant and a police photographer, LaVey decided to dedicate his unholy life to Satan. Given his huckster’s background, it’s difficult to take LaVey’s professed dedication to the Prince of Darkness completely seriously., A documentary exploring alleged devil worshipper Anton Szandor LaVey and his Satanic followers. He was virtually unknown before his neighbors complained to the police about the midnight roarings of his pet lion. But while the lion was taken to the zoo, the Satanic Church continued its operations.