Star Trek: Voyager S:1 E:14 | Faces

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S:1 E:14


Torres is captured by the Phage aliens and split into two separate beings., Well-received episode of the highly regarded sci-fi series. When B’Elanna Torres’s human and Klingon personalities are split in a procedure on an away trip, trouble soon follows…, The disease-ridden Vedeans kidnap B’Elanna Torres and subject her to a series of genetic experiments in an effort to develop a cure for their wasting illness. When two versions of the engineer are created – one human, one Klingon – they work together to find a way of getting back to Voyager., An away team is captured by the Vidiians, who extract Torres’ Klingon DNA in an effort to find a cure for a disease ravaging their people—but the process turns Torres into two people, one fully Klingon, one fully human. Sulan/Durst: Brian Markinson. Talaxian Prisoner: Rob LaBelle. Torres: Roxann Biggs-Dawson. Paris: Robert Duncan McNeill., An away team is captured by the Vidiians, who extract Torres’ Klingon DNA in an effort to find a cure for a disease ravaging their people—but the process turns Torres into two people, one fully Klingon, one fully human.

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