Michael Arias’s anime adaptation of Taiyo Matsumoto’s manga series tells the tale of a pair of orphans who attempt to prevent the Yakuza and their assorted violent and corrupt allies from taking over their city. The Cats, streetwise orphan Black (Kuro) and his naïve friend White, are on a mission to control the violence on the streets of Treasure Town by beating down any foes. They come across thugs, religious fanatics and the Yakuza before meeting their fiercest opponents yet: a foreign-run company called Kiddy Kastle which is planning on tearing down the town and replacing it with an amusement park. It’s up to Black and White to use their very different approaches to save their city. With Tekkonkinkreet, (roughly translated as ‘steel reinforced concrete’), Arias became the first American director to direct a major anime in a Japanese studio., Anime adventures of a pair of spirited street urchins (voices of Nao Omori and Yoshinori Okada) trying to save their dying metropolis from local gangsters and venal real-estate developers while dodging intergalactic assassins. Directed by Michael Arias., A pair of feisty young street urchins attempts to protect an unnamed metropolis from a diabolical villain whose plans to raze the urban landscape on the behalf of malevolent real-estate developers threatens to destroy the very soul of the city. Street-smart youngsters Black and White do their best to defend their territory from rival gangs as local yakuza leader Suzuki, fearing that the town has lost its zeal, plots a triumphant return to form. A lifelong criminal with a serious zodiac fixation, Suzuki (aqua The Rat) doesn’t want to corrupt the city as much as he simply wants reinvigorate it with the kind of vibrancy that drew him to love it in the first place. Mr. Snake, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to profit as the buildings of the city crumble to make room for the massive amusement park planned by his wealthy clients. The only problem now is that Mr. Snake can’t carry out his destructive deed while Black and White are still wandering the streets – of course that’s nothing that can’t be solved by a pair of sharp-shooting intergalactic assassins whose bullets always meet their mark. A metaphysical tale of survival in a city that seems to be poised on the brink of disaster, Tekkonkinkreet marks the feature directorial debut of longtime visual effects artist Michael Arias (The Abyss, Princess Mononoke).
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Tekkonkinkreet ” ?
A: The main cast includes Yû Aoi,Naoki Kitagawa,Osamu Kamei,Min Tanaka,Yoshinori Okada,Shinji Kimura,Rokurô Naya,Tomomichi Nishimura,Tomoko Murakami,Miyuki Oshima,Yukiko Tamaki,Mayumi Yamaguchi,Mugihito,Masahiro Motoki,Eiko Tanaka,Kankuro Kudo,Yusuke Iseya,Kazuko Kurosawa,Yasushi Shiina,Atsushi Imaizumi,Bryan Burton Lewis,Harumi Asai,Kazunari Ninomiya,Tôru Nara,Anthony Weintraub,Nao Omori.
Q: When Did the “Tekkonkinkreet” Released?
A: The Movie “Tekkonkinkreet” originally aired on 2007-07-13.
Q: In which year the Tekkonkinkreet released in?
A: The Tekkonkinkreet is released in 2006.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Tekkonkinkreet” ?
A: Is also available in eng language.
Q: Where to watch “Tekkonkinkreet” ?
A: “Tekkonkinkreet” No Info Available with us.