The Andy Milonakis Show

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A devil’s blend of Tom Green, Johnny Knoxville, Adam Sandler, Andy Kaufman) and Pee-wee Herman, comedian Andy Milonakis was an adult male who looked and sounded like a chubby adolescent, due to a growth disorder that prevented him from maturing physically. Cheerfully exploiting his “handicap” for comic purposes, Milonakis rose to prominence as a semi-regular on the late-night chatfest Jimmy Kimmel Live before launching his own MTV series on June 26, 2005. The Andy Milonakis drew most of its inspiration from the little “home movies” that the star created for his own webpage from his comfy suburban home. Posing as an obnoxious overgrown child (or maybe it wasn’t a pose, who knows?), Andy dragged his pampered pooch Wubbie along with him on various missions of mischief, pulled uproariously cruel pranks on innocent pedestrians, composed such deathless ditties as “Superbowl is Gay”, mercilessly ragged the celebrity guest stars who had the misfortune to cross his path, displayed an erotic fascination with spoons (!), and confounded friend and foe alike with such idiosyncratic catchphrases as “Cutesy Wootsey Wubbie Bubbly!” and “Fruity Monsta Fruity Monsta!” Predictably, many MTV devotees found Andy hilarious, while just as many found him repulsive: whatever the case, his series was one of the cable network’s most popular offerings. The Andy Milonakis Show was first seen on June 26, 2005., The Andy Milonakis Show esittelee uuden nuoren lahjakkaan koomikon. Teini-ikäinen Andy Milonakis tekee hulluja temppuja ja kehittelee omalaatuisia sketsejä Manhattanilla sijaitsevassa kodissaan. Hän muun muassa kokeilee sinappikylpyä ja rankaisee leivänpaahdinta, koska käräytti näppinsä. Internetin kotisivuilla uransa aloittanut Andy Milonakis on noussut hetkessä kulttisuosioon ja hän on suosittu vieras amerikkalaisissa talk show’ssa. Andy itse toteaa, että häntä joko vihaa tai rakastaa. Päätä itse, mutta älä anna hänen nuoruutensa hämätä!, An absurd comedy featuring surreal films made by a young New Yorker.

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