Filmed on location in Africa, Mark of the Hawk stars Sidney Poitier as a London-educated African who returns to his homeland to take a political post. Poitier’s brother Clinton Macklin is in charge of a rebel organization, determine to topple the white-dominated government. Poitier must choose between seeking out racial equality through peaceful means, or casting his lot with Macklin: it is (at least in this film) a struggle of Right against Right. Eartha Kitt is top-billed, but her role is decidedly secondary to Poitier’s. Released in Britain as Accused, Mark of the Hawk has been retitled Shaka Zulu on video, though it should not be confused with the 1985 TV miniseries of the same name., Sidney Poitier as a legislator who seeks equality for his people. Renee: Eartha Kitt. Amugu: Juano Hernandez. Craig: John McIntire. A sincere plea for racial tolerance, but it lacks dramatic punch. Michael Audley directed.