In this unique comedy-drama, uptight Fred (Noah Bean) and free-spirited Mindy neglect to use birth control during a one-night stand, and they must deal with the consequences by taking a morning-after pill., A spontaneous love affair threatens permanent repercussions when a couple neglects to use birth control, and finds that their fleeting romance may in fact have strong roots. Fred (Noah Bean) and Nelly (Anna Chlumsky) have been together for years. But when Fred meets free-spirited Mindy (Rachel Boston) while Nelly is away on business, playful drinking leads them straight to the sheets. The following morning, when Mindy reveals that she isn’t on birth control, Fred drives her to the pharmacy and purchases the “morning after” pill. Though Mindy storms off following a brief tussle, Fred learns that she has to take another pill 12 hours later in order to halt the pregnancy. Now, in order to sidestep paternity and salvage his relationship with Nelly, Fred must find a means of getting back on Mindy’s good side, and getting her to take the second pill. Unfortunately for Fred, regaining Mindy’s trust will not only involve an uncomfortable one-on-one with her crestfallen ex-boyfriend, but also joining her family to celebrate her brother’s 11th birthday. Somewhere along the way, however, It begins to become clear that Mindy is everything Fred has ever wanted in a woman, and that in order to be happy, he may finally have to experience life outside of his carefully-structured comfort zone.
The Pill
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
2011-12-16Mins :
83Directed By :
J.C. KhouryReviews (0)
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