Suspenseful tale of the rivalry between two Victorian-era magicians and their dangerous obsession with outdoing each other. Their feud eventually centers on a trick in which the men appear to teleport across the stage, but neither one is willing to reveal the secret of how it is accomplished., A tale about the rivalry between two Victorian-era magicians and their dangerous obsession with outdoing each other., After Batman Begins, director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale work together once again, in this mystery thriller set in nineteenth century London. Magician Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) lost his beloved wife accidentally during a performance. He blames his friend, also magician Alfred Borden for her death and they become enemies. Their intense rivalry will lead to a life-long battle for supremacy, with deadly consequences., Obsession, jealousy, and deceit define the tense relationship shared between two turn-of-the-century magicians in Memento and Batman Begins director Christopher Nolan’s dizzying tale of sleight of hand. Rupert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) are London-based magicians of the highest order, both blessed with spectacular powers of deception and both cursed with unrelenting envy for one another’s skills. When Alfred performs an awe-inspiring trick for which there seems no logical explanation, the friendly competition shared between the pair turns to deadly rivalry as the enraged Rupert determines to uncover his rival’s deepest secrets. In the world of illusion, however, nothing is ever quite as it seems, and the rules of the physical world simply don’t apply. Now, as bitter competition quickly begins to consume the souls of both performers, the firestorm birthed by their anger threatens to consume all who surround them. Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, and David Bowie co-star in a feature that finds director/screenwriter Nolan reuniting with brother and Memento story author Jonathan Nolan to adapt author Christopher Priest’s original novel., Stylish and suspenseful tale of the rivalry between two Victorian-era magicians and their dangerous obsession with outdoing each other. Their feud eventually centers on a trick in which the men appear to teleport across the stage, but neither one is willing to reveal the secret of how it is accomplished., In turn-of-the-century London, two rival magicians battle it out for supremacy, performing more and more elaborate and dangerous illusions. When a stunt ends in tragedy, the game becomes about more than just one-upmanship and all about revenge. Christopher Nolan’s twisty narrative keeps you guessing right up to its breathless cards-on-the-table finale.
The Prestige
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
1932-01-22Mins :
128Directed By :
Christopher NolanTrending / Upcoming
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