The story revolves around a father, Marthanda Pillai a high caste Sangeetham expert and his son Uthayamurthy who emphatizes with the lower caste. Cast: Kamal Hassan, Seetha & Gemini Ganesan., The son of a famous musician grows up to rebel against the age-old traditions that do not make sense in the new world anymore. With full support from his girlfriend, he begins his journey towards bringing about the change he expected to see in the society.
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Unnal Mudiyum Thambi ” ?
A: The main cast includes Gemini Ganeshan,Kamal Haasan,Manorama Paapa,Seetha,K.R. Vijaya,Radhika,K. Balachander.
Q: When Did the “Unnal Mudiyum Thambi” Released?
A: The Movie “Unnal Mudiyum Thambi” originally aired on 1988-08-12 and released in the year of 1988.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Unnal Mudiyum Thambi” ?
A: Is also available in eng language.
Q: Where to watch “Unnal Mudiyum Thambi” ?
A: “Unnal Mudiyum Thambi” is Avaiable on Netflix. as its Netflix Originals.