Kent returns to Neston Berry after failing at being a DJ, much to Morpheus’s delight, while Sarah and Alison hear a legend about a mythical stash of nineties pills buried in a field and endeavor to find them. Morpheus resurrects the local pub quiz and meets his spirit guide in the form of Sean Bean., In the first episode, Kent returns to Neston Berry after failing at being a DJ, much to Morpheus’s delight, while Sarah and Alison hear a legend about a mythical stash of nineties pills buried in a field and endeavour to find them. Morpheus resurrects the local pub quiz and meets his spirit guide in the form of Sean Bean.
Wasted Nineties Pills
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
2016-07-26Mins :
60Directed By :
Tom MarshallReviews (0)
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