Scrap: A Thriller-Drama Web Series on MX Player

The story of the series revolves around a police officer named Romil Rana. He is a brilliant officer and wants to end every trace of crime in society.

Chinu Pandit, an emerging gangster, is encountered by Romil Rana.

This encounter is being investigated by Romil Rana’s wife. But one of her assistants wants to destroy Romil Rana’s career and reputation and plots a conspiracy against him.

The series is directed by Gaurav Prem Shri and produced under ABNCO production.

Actors Chandan K. Anand, Avantika Shetty, Rajendra Shisatkar, Ashok Mathur, and Arjun Kumar Giri are playing various roles in the series.

The eight-part series is streaming on MX Player.

Genre: Crime, Thriller, Drama

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