
Blue Star: Upcoming OTT Release Tamil-Language Sports Drama Movie

Blue Star is set in the decade of 1990s and based in a railway town Arokkonam in Tamilnadu. The movie follows the story of...

Rising Impact: Upcoming OTT Release Japanese Sports Based Animated Series

About the Animated Series Rising Impact The animated series is based on a famous Japanese manga named Rising Impact. The story of the manga series is written...

Sesham Mike-il Fathima: Latest OTT release Malayalam language comedy drama movie showing the inspiring dreams of a young girl

The movie follows the story of a young muslim woman named Fathima Noorjahan. She lives in Malappuram. Fathima is born and bought up in a...

Like Flowers in Sand: Ongoing release Korean Drama Series based on Traditional Wrestling Sports of Korea

The series is set on the traditional Korean wreatling sport known as ssireum. Kim Beak Doo is the member of a ssireum team for...

Nyad: The latest OTT release of an American movie based on true-life events streaming online

Genre: biography, sports, true events, real life The biographical movie shows the real-life events of world-class athlete Daina Nyad. Diana Nyad is a long-distance swimmer. She...

My Lovely Boxer, the latest OTT-released kdrama series streaming online

Genre: Sports, Romance, Drama The series follows the story of a female boxing star. She had disappeared from the sports world to live her life...


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