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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

Broad City

A search for a great party reveals a side of Abbi that confirms Ilana's greatest fear.

Mentes criminosas

Peter Folkmore foi abusado em criança e, no presente, é também um agressor. Peter captura mulheres e magoa-as se não disserem o que ele...

Der Bergdoktor

Aufgrund fataler Missstände in einer Kinderwunsch-Klinik hat Max quasi zwei Mütter: Saskia Diekhaus, die das Baby ausgetragen und bisher aufgezogen hat, und Nicole Junginger....

The Block

Scott Cam and Shelley take a tour of the work completed so far.

Criminal Minds

Victims in California get the BAU to search for an UnSub who may have witnessed abuse as a child. Meanwhile, Kate grows concerned when...