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“I dieci comandamenti”

Sopravvissuto alla strage dei primogeniti ebrei, il piccolo Mosè viene cresciuto come un vero egiziano. Quando però scopre le sue origini, rinuncia a...

“The Ten Commandments”

Charlton Heston stars as Moses in this all-time-great biblical epic from Cecil B DeMille. Co-starring Yul Brynner and Anne Baxter. (1956)(211 mins), (1956)...

“Quincannon, Frontier Scout”

In this western adventure, a courageous frontiersman leaves the Army after his regiment is forced by Custer to needlessly slaughter a band of...

“The Adventures of Jim Bowie” Trapline 15

15 Trapline Louisiana fur trappers are warned not to trade with Bowie (Scott Forbes). Jacques: Ross Elliott. Jeanne: Lisa Gaye. Brissac: Booth Colman. Legant: Anthony...

Los Diez Mandamientos

1956 Cartoon,Animated,Religion,Drama Dibujos animados sobre los Diez mandamientos de Moisés. Charlton Heston,Yul Brynner,Edward G. Robinson,Vincent Price,Anne Baxter,John Carradine,Debra Paget,John Derek,Olive Deering,Jesse Lasky Jr.,Aeneas MacKenzie,Jack Gariss

Les dix commandements

Sauvé des eaux à sa naissance par la fille du pharaon, Moïse a grandi comme un prince égyptien, mais ne peut accéder...

Die Zehn Gebote

Moses, ein Findelkind, wächst am Hof des Pharaos wie dessen Sohn auf. Als er jedoch von seiner hebräischen Herkunft erfährt, beschließt er,...

Los 10 Mandamientos

1956 Family,Action/Adventure,Religion,Costumer,Drama,Remake

Die Zehn Gebote

1956 Family,Action/Adventure,Religion,Costumer,Drama,Remake