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“Tombstone Territory” The Outcasts 128

128 The Outcasts A rancher stirs up hatred against a religious sect that has settled near Tombstone. Hollister: Pat Conway. Claibourne: Richard Eastham. Elias: Stephen...

“Father Knows Best” A Medal for Margaret 428

428 Everyone but Margaret contributes to the family trophy case. Robert Young, Jane Wyatt, Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray, Lauren Chapin. Q&A : Q: Who are...

“Touch of Evil”

This baroque nightmare of a south-of-the-border mystery is considered to be one of the great movies of Orson Welles, who both directed and...

Sed de Mal

1958 Mystery,Mystery & Suspense,Suspense/Thriller,Adaptation

Ni vu, ni connu

Blaireau, braconnier de grande classe, ravitaille tout le village de Montpaillard, au grand désespoir du garde champêtre Parju. Ce dernier finit pourtant...

La soif du mal

Susan et Mike passent leur lune de miel à Los Robles près de la frontière mexi caine lorsqu'une voiture explose. Mike est...