Invaders From the Fifth Dimension
Classic sci-fi adventure series featuring a family of interstellar castaways. Terrifying aliens recruit the cowardly Smith to help them...
Odd but True
Ritchie and his friend play connect-the-dots with Rob's freckles. Dick Van Dyke, Larry Mathews, Peter Oliphant, Mary Tyler Moore, Ann Morgan...
Jean-Paul Belmondo stars as Ferdinand "Pierrot" Griffon, a family man who runs off with his children's former babysitter (Anna Karina, director Godard's wife),...
Lisa the Helpmate
While Oliver plants, a romance buds between his mother and Joe. Eddie Albert, Eva Gabor. Mother: Eleanor Audley. Joe: Edgar Buchanan....
Gidget considers revamping her image in order to impress an "older" man (Jan Crawford). Gidget: Sally Field., Gidget considers revamping her image in...
S:1 E:8
Lisa the Helpmate
While Oliver plants, a romance buds between his mother and Joe. Eddie Albert, Eva Gabor. Mother: Eleanor Audley. Joe: Edgar...
Der intellektuelle Ferdinand Griffon, genannt "Pierrot", ist von seinem bürgerlichen Leben gelangweilt. Als er seine frühere Geliebte Marianne wieder trifft, verlässt er...