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“Disneyland Around the Seasons”

This 1966 documentary looks at the openings of Disneyland's "It's a Small World" and "New Orleans Square" attractions, and also includes footage of...

Ultraman My Home is Earth

Jamilar swears revenge on the earth for turning him into a monster.


Writer-director Michelangelo Antonioni's movie jigsaw puzzle centres on a swinging London photographer who believes that, during a shoot, he may have captured...

Cómo el Grinch Robó la Navidad

1966 Family,Special,Christmas,Children,Animated,Other Un pequeño y malhumorado ser verde, conocido como Grinch, decide elaborar un plan para arruinar la Navidad..., El clásico cuento del Dr. Seuss acerca...


Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni's first English-language production was also his only box office hit, widely considered one of the seminal films of...