Space Seed
A race of superhumans, created by genetic-engineering experiments in the 1990s, is discovered drifting in space, frozen for 200 years. Ricardo Montalban...
His suspicions aroused about his estranged wife, Laura, Roger orders lawyer Frank Garner to speed up the divorce proceedings. Carolyn has second thoughts...
I Remember You...Sometimes
Darrin's memory gets a jolt from Endora's magic. Darrin: Dick York. Endora: Agnes Moorehead. Samantha: Elizabeth Montgomery. Pennypacker: Dan Tobin., When...
The Masked Bandits
Friday and Gannon go after robbers who have been hitting Los Angeles cocktail lounges. Gannon: Harry Morgan. Larry: Ron Russell. Edna:...
Ann's father mentions marriage---and a pleasant dinner party turns into an inquisition., Ann's father mentions marriage---and a pleasant dinner party turns into an...
The Joker's Epitaph
Conclusion. Police commissioner Gordon suspects Bruce Wayne of helping the Joker., Conclusion. Police commissioner Gordon suspects Bruce Wayne of helping the...
S:3 E:23
I Remember You...Sometimes
Jean-Pierrre veut améliorer sa mémoire., Jean-Pierre est embarrassé, car il a oublié le nom de l'un de ses clients. Il...
S:1 E:22
Space Seed
Ein Erkundungstrupp der Enterprise trifft auf einem uralten Schiff auf einen ehemaligen Diktator von der Erde, der Böses im Schilde führt.,...