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“Star Trek” The Doomsday Machine 26

26 The Doomsday Machine Star Trek 35: The Doomsday Machine centers on the conflict between the Enterprise and the titular machine, a gigantic alien vessel...

“Dark Shadows” 1342

1342 Julia agrees to create a mate for Adam, who still threatens to destroy the Collins family. Grayson Hall, Robert Rodan. Q&A : Q: Who...

Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Manhunt 14

1 4 Manhunt Captain Black is revealed to be a Mysteron agent and is exposed to radioactivity that allows for him to be tracked by...

The Prisoner Free for All

Free for All The Prisoner is running for election in the Village and Number 2 is cheering him on., The Prisoner is running...

Raumschiff Enterprise S:2 E:6 | Planeten-Killer

S:2 E:6 The Doomsday Machine Die Enterprise muss sich einer scheinbar übermächtigen außerirdischen Kraft stellen., Die Enterprise folgt einem Notruf des Föderationsschiffes «Constellation». Als sie...

Les mystères de l’ouest La nuit du pendu

The Night of the Hangman Au cours d'une halte dans une petite ville du Kansas, West et Gordon décident de rouvrir une affaire...