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“Return of the One-Armed Swordsman”

The legendary one-armed swordsman is forced to come out of retirement when the Eight Kings threaten to lay waste to all before them.,...

“Dark Shadows” 1692

1692 Though Barnabas manages to rescue David from the room where he'd been hidden by the ghostly Quentin, the youngster is dangerously close to...

“On the Buses” The Early Shifts 11

11 The Early Shifts The busmen go on strike, which infuriates their families. Stan: Reg Varney. Jack: Bob Grant., The lads go on strike and...

Star Trek The Cloud Minders

The Cloud Minders The Enterprise becomes involved in an important mining planet's class struggle in this installment of the enduringly popular science fiction...

Raumschiff Enterprise S:3 E:21 | Die Wolkenstadt

S:3 E:21 The Cloud Minders Eine Pflanzenseuche verwüstet einen Planeten genau dort, wo gerade die Enterprise operiert. Captain Kirk und seine Crew werden losgeschickt um...

Jornada nas estrelas Os guardiões das nuvens

Kirk e Spock são arrastados para uma luta de classes socias entre uma sociedade burguesa e a classe trabalhadora, que trabalham em perigosas minas...