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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Hawaii Five-0” The Payoff 313

313 The Payoff Albert Salmi and Madlyn Rhue play kidnappers in this tale of a double-cross. Jase: Warren Vanders. Lila: Joyce Van Patten. McGarrett: Jack...

“Dark Shadows” 11148

11148 Desmond joins Barnabas in his efforts to clear Quentin of the witchcraft charge. Flora tries to summon the ghost of Roxanne as part...

“UFO” The Square Triangle 110

110 The Square Triangle A woman intending to murder her husband discovers she has instead killed an alien., A love triangle leads to the murder...

“Ryan’s Daughter”

This romantic war drama takes place in the political turmoil of Ireland in 1916. While the British battle European aggressors in World War...

UFO S:1 E:8 | The Square Triangle

S:1 E:8 The Square Triangle Liz Newton und ihr Liebhaber Cass planen, Liz' Ehemann Jack zu ermorden. Doch statt Jack erwischen die beiden einen Außerirdischen,...

Ryans Tochter

Irland, 1916: Während des irischen Freiheitskampfes muss die mit dem Dorflehrer Shaughnessy verheiratete Rosy eines Abends alleine die Kneipe ihres Vaters führen....

Ryans Tochter

1970 Romance,Drama