Movies & TvShows By :


Date Released

List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Shazam!” The Odd Couple 27

27 The Odd Couple Captain Marvel gets some super-hero help when a forest fire rages out of control and threatens to hurt some children. Michael...

“The Secrets of Isis” Bigfoot 17

17 Bigfoot Isis answers a boy's questions about Big Foot, while saving the life of a very large man in the forest. Q&A : Q: Who...

“Saturday Night Live” Paul Simon 12

12 Paul Simon; Art Garfunkel; Phoebe Snow; Billy Preston; and NBA star Connie Hawkins. Songs include "Scarborough Fair" and "The Boxer" (Simon and Garfunkel);...

“The Tom & Jerry Show” The Kitten Sitters; Termites Plus Two; Planet Pest 17

17 The Kitten Sitters; Termites Plus Two; Planet Pest Tom and Jerry care for six kittens; fight termites; and deal with an alien. Q&A : Q:...

The Mary Tyler Moore Show Mary’s Aunt

Mary's Aunt Mary's Aunt Flo a celebrated journalist, raises hackles in the WJM newsroom---especially Lou's., Eileen Heckart makes the first of three series...

Tom et Jerry Show S:1 E:7 | Kitten Sitters / Termites Plus Two / Planet Pest

S:1 E:7 The Kitten Sitters; Termites Plus Two; Planet Pest Tom et Jerry doivent trouver une solution pour exterminer les termites de leur maison.