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Date Released

List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“WKRP in Cincinnati” Turkeys Away 17

17 Turkeys Away Carlson thinks up a wacko Thanksgiving promotional gimmick. Andy: Gary Sandy. Les: Richard Sanders. Johnny: Howard Hesseman. Jennifer: Loni Anderson. Venus: Tim...

“M*A*S*H” They Call the Wind Korea 78

78 They Call the Wind Korea An ill wind out of Manchuria threatens to ground Charles' chopper ride to Seoul for some R & R,...

“Little House on the Prairie” Harriet’s Happenings 58

58 Harriet's Happenings Mrs. Oleson's cousin, Sterling Murdoch, comes to Walnut Grove to start the town's first newspaper, The Pen and the Plow. Mrs. Oleson...

Pieni talo preerialla Harriet’s Happenings (Danish)

Harriet's Happenings Da Harriet Olesons fætter Sterlingt Murdock kommer til byen, tager han sin avis-redaktion med sig. Alle er begejstrede, men glæden stilner...