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“Winter Kills”

In this film, Jeff Bridges stars as the scion of a powerful Kennedyesque family, who has done his best to make himself obscure...

“The Incredible Hulk” The Quiet Room 222

222 A Quiet Room Working at a mental hospital, David discovers that a doctor is using patients in illegal mind-control experiments. Dr. Hill: Joanna Mills....


Noorie is a young and beautiful girl from the valleys, who along with Yusuf has a simple dream - A house. . ....


Noorie is a young girl with a simple dream - a house, family, and a life full of love. Unfortunately many evil people...


Noorie is a young girl with a simple dream - a house, family, and a life full of love. Unfortunately many evil...

Es war einmal… der Mensch | Das römische Reich

Pax Romana Cäsar erwartet nach einem siebenjährigen Krieg die Kapitulation der Gallier. In unendlich vielen Feldzügen eroberte er 800 Städte, unterwirft 300 Völker...

Hazzard S:1 E:13 Poliziotti in quarantena

Season 1 Episode 13 Episode : Poliziotti in quarantena Double Sting I Duke vengono arrestati per rissa e imprigionati assieme a Tom Colt, l'uomo che li...