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“Hazzard” La fuga di Susi 214

214 Episode : La fuga di Susi The Runaway La famiglia Duke aiuta Susy, la figlia di un ricco possidente, a sposare, nonostante gli ostacoli e...

“The Incredible Hulk” Proof Positive 313

313 Proof Positive The newspaper demands that McGee produce hard evidence on the Hulk. Pat Steinhauer: Caroline Smith. Hulk: Lou Ferrigno. Mark Roberts: Walter Brooke....

“Classic NHL” 1980: Maple Leafs at Rockies

Toronto Maple Leafs From 1980: Toronto at Colorado. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Classic NHL "1980: Maple Leafs at Rockies...

Dukes of Hazzard S:2 E:14 | The Runaway

S:2 E:14 The Runaway Bo (John Schneider) and Luke (Tom Wopat) champion the cause of runaway heiress Suzy Holmes (Susan Walden), who has stowed away...

Dallas | Recherche de paternité

Paternity Suit La famille Ewing poursuit Digger en justice pour diffamation : celui prétend que Cliff est le père du petit John. Pour...