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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Dukes of Hazzard” Good Neighbors Duke 311

311 Good Neighbors, Duke The Dukes' new neighbors are incognito Government witnesses in a kidnap case, hiding from bounty hunters who think they know the...

“Dallas” The Prodigal Mother 49

49 The Prodigal Mother The woman Pam is convinced is her mother claims no knowledge of Pam's existence; Lucy talks Mitch (Leigh McCloskey) into marrying...

Dallas | La mère prodigue

The Prodigal Mother Pamela, délaissée par Bobby trop accaparé par ses fonctions aux pétroles Ewing, est malgré tout heureuse : elle pense avoir...

Hazzard S:3 E:11 Il regno di Hogg

Season 3 Episode 11 Episode : Il regno di Hogg Good Neighbors, Duke Adam Venable, accusato ingiustamente di traffico di diamanti, si rifugia in una fattoria...