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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“The French Lieutenant’s Woman”

Based on the novel by John Fowles, this period drama moves between the 19th and 20th centuries in the tale of a man...

“The Fall Guy” Guess Who’s Coming to Town 117

117 Guess Who's Coming to Town? Colt poses as a trigger-happy bounty hunter to shake up a shiftless sheriff and catch a bail-jumper. But it...

“The Greatest American Hero” Dreams 217

217 Dreams Ralph keeps a sharp eye out for a vengeful parolee he put away. Johnny: Michael Baseleon. Ralph: William Katt. Margaret: Elizabeth Hoffman. Bill:...

“The Facts of Life” Kids Can Be Cruel 320

320 Kids Can Be Cruel Natalie's out to even a score with Blair. Natalie: Mindy Cohn. Carl: Dan Frischman. Dink: Scott McGinnis. Jo: Nancy McKeon....

French Lieutenant’s Woman

Based on the novel by John Fowles, this period drama moves between the 19th and 20th centuries in the tale of a...

La maîtresse du lieutenant français

Une équipe de cinéastes tourne "la Maîtresse du lieutenant français". L'histoire se passe dans l'Angleterre victorienne, à Lyme, une petite ville portuaire....

Ranskalaisen luutnantin nainen

John Fowlesin romaaniin perustuva klassikko 1800-luvulle sijoittuvaa rakkaustarinaa filmaavista näyttelijöistä, jotka kuvausten aikana alkavat rakastua myös oikeasti toisiinsa Pääosissa Meryl Streep...

Ad Ovest di Paperino

Tre stravaganti personaggi, casualmente riuniti a Firenze, trascorrono insieme un'intera giornata. Esordio cinematografico di Nuti, Benvenuti e Cenci, ancora insieme con il...