Episode : Operazione oro
Inside Out
Michael Knight si infiltra in una gang capeggiata dal colonnello Kincaid il quale, avvalendosi della sua lunga esperienza militare,...
Episode : Un truffatore truffato
The great Insurance Fraud
Boss Hogg tenta di fare soldi con la vendita di losche polizze assicurative. Il suo piano...
Fringe Benefits
Sue Ellen and Afton contend with a lecherous refinery owner (Albert Salmi) who's pitching an attractive deal to both Cliff and J.R....
Vampires plague the Montreal countryside., After a woman undergoes surgery, she craves blood, and begins to feed. Her victims become infected, thus initiating...
Richard offers a job to Julia's estranged husband (Robert Loggia); Chase asks Melissa to permit a second autopsy on her father's body; Cole...