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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Hazzard” Il generale per posta 511

511 Episode : Il generale per posta A little game of pool Per riuscire ad avere la General Lee, Boss Hogg decide di sfidare lo zio...

“Supercar” Disonesto ma non troppo 111

111 Episode : Disonesto ma non troppo The Final Verdict Cheryl Burns, dopo il ritrovamento del cadavere del suo principale, viene arrestata con l'accusa di omicidio....

“Voyagers!” The Travels of Marco Polo and Friends 19

19 The Travels of Marco Polo and Friends Jeffrey and Marco Polo (Paul Regina) are captured by marauding tribesmen in 13th-century Persia. Kubla Khan: Keye...

“Dallas” The Wedding 610

610 The Wedding The wedding of J.R. and Sue Ellen brings Cliff to Southfork; Bobby accuses J.R. of destroying Ewing Oil., The wedding of J.R....

“Dukes of Hazzard” A Little Game of Pool 511

511 A little game of pool In preparation for the pool championship, Boss talks Jesse into wagering the General Lee in a match Jesse can't...


As played by Jessica Lange, Frances Farmer is a rebel from the word go, winning a high school essay award by writing a...

Knight Rider S:1 E:11 | The Final Verdict

S:1 E:11 The Final Verdict When an innocent man is fingered as the chief suspect in a recent murder, his friend taps Michael Knight to...

Remington Steele S:1 E:9 | In the Steele of the Night

S:1 E:9 In the Steele of the Night Steele is asked to identify the killer at a party of Laura's former colleagues after one of...

Remington Steele Nocturne

In the Steele of the Night Alan Grievey, un détective de renom, convie ses anciens associés à une somptueuse réunion dans son château....

Christo: Works in Progress

"Christo: Works in Progress" takes us around the world on a showcase of the artist's grand environmental installations. With both critique and praise...