Episode : Il carro di Helios
Chariot of Gold
Graham Deauville, uno scienziato, sta effettuando per conto dell'organizzazione Helios degli studi sul luogo dove è...
Brothers and Sisters
Katherine arranges to meet Bobby where he's sure to see Pam and Mark; Holly confronts J.R. about his Caribbean oil shipments....
Reunion In Singapore
Blake flies to Singapore to identify the survivor of an oil-rig accident who, investigators claim, could be his son Steven; and...
Angela threatens Henri Denault (E.G. Marshall); Sheriff Robbins (Joe Lambie) finds evidence about Julia's accident that points to Lance; Richard refuses his...
S:2 E:20
Angela threatens Henri Denault (E.G. Marshall); Sheriff Robbins (Joe Lambie) finds evidence about Julia's accident that points to Lance; Richard refuses his...