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Tony Montana è solo un delinquente comune quando arriva negli Stati Uniti come profugo cubano. Guidato da una crudele ostinazione, brucia le tappe...

“Hazzard” Per zio sam e per il sud (2ª parte) 617

617 Episode : Per zio sam e per il sud (2ª parte) Undercover Dukes 2 Con uno stratagemma Bo e Luke si introducono nello studio del...

“Dallas” Where Is Poppa 719

719 Where Is Poppa? Iconic American drama serial following the turbulent lives of the Ewing family. JR and Peter learn that Sue Ellen miscarried as...

“Falcon Crest” Changing Times 318

318 Changing Times Angela forces a visit with Julia, and makes a trade with Melissa to regain control of Falcon Crest; Chase finds a powerful...

Dukes of Hazzard Undercover Dukes 617

6 17 Undercover Dukes 2 In the conclusion of a two-part story, Bo (John Schneider) and Luke (Tom Wopat), still operating undercover for the Feds,...

Dukes of Hazzard S:6 E:17 | Undercover Dukes

S:6 E:17 Undercover Dukes 2 In the conclusion of a two-part story, Bo (John Schneider) and Luke (Tom Wopat), still operating undercover for the Feds,...


"Say hello to my little friend." The drug-crazed, bloodshot performance by Al Pacino is the rock at the heart of this extreme...

Shérif, fais-moi peur ! S:6 E:17 | La mafia est dans la course – 2

S:6 E:17 Undercover Dukes 2 Bo et Luke mettent au jour la conspiration de Carver, mais Rosco et Boss éventent leur couverture et mettent leur...

Le balafré

Miami, début des années 80. Tony Montana profite d'une amnistie de la part du gouvernement cubain pour se rendre en Floride. Sur...

Scarface – Tony, das Narbengesicht

Die Kleinkriminellen Tony Montana und Manny Ribera landen wie Tausende andere kubanische Flüchtlinge 1980 in Florida. Zunächst schlagen sie sich als Tellerwäscher...