Episode : In attesa di giudizio
Knight in Disgrace
Devon, per catturare un famoso criminale, escogita un piano: finge di allontanare Michael dalla Fondazione Knight...
Family ties are tested when Jolene's father, five brothers, grandmother and family dog park themselves in her small apartment. Celia Weston, Linda Lavin....
Knight in Disgrace
Michael is suspended from duty when he is discovered carrying heroin during a confrontation with the police. But his problems are...
S:1 E:6
Lovers and Other Killers
Злоумышленник убивает богатую старушку Элиссон. Джессика отправляется в колледж на лекцию и знакомится там со студентом Дэвидом Толливером. Когда...
Season 1 Episode 8
Episode : Fra amanti e assassini
Lovers and Other Killers
Rispondendo all'invito del suo vecchio amico, il Preside Edmund Gerard, Jessica si...