Episode : Omicidio alla locanda
Keep the Home Fries Burning
Mentre Jessica, Seth e Amos fanno colazione in un nuovo ristorante per turisti di Cabot...
One for the Road
Depression-era bar regulars trick a patron (Douglas Seale) into signing an insurance policy, hoping he'll drink himself to death and...
Cherie Lifesaver
Punky and Margaux are glad they learned CPR---it saves Cherie's life after she's found trapped in a refrigerator., Punky and Margaux are...
Keep the Home Fries Burning
Jessica, Seth and Amos breakfast at a new tourist-oriented restaurant, only to find murder on the menu. Floyd Nelson:...
S:2 E:14
Keep the Home Fries Burning
Оставшись одна после смерти мужа, жительница небольшого портового городка Кэбот-Коув, в штате Мэн, Джессика Флетчер посвящает себя написанию...