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“La signora in giallo” Omicidio alla locanda 214

214 Episode : Omicidio alla locanda Keep the Home Fries Burning Mentre Jessica, Seth e Amos fanno colazione in un nuovo ristorante per turisti di Cabot...

“Amazing Stories” One for the Road 115

115 One for the Road Depression-era bar regulars trick a patron (Douglas Seale) into signing an insurance policy, hoping he'll drink himself to death and...

“Punky Brewster” Cherie Lifesaver 216

216 Cherie Lifesaver Punky and Margaux are glad they learned CPR---it saves Cherie's life after she's found trapped in a refrigerator., Punky and Margaux are...

“Murder, She Wrote” Keep the Home Fries Burning 214

214 Keep the Home Fries Burning Jessica, Seth and Amos breakfast at a new tourist-oriented restaurant, only to find murder on the menu. Floyd Nelson:...

Она написала убийство S:2 E:14 | Огонь домашнего очага

S:2 E:14 Keep the Home Fries Burning Оставшись одна после смерти мужа, жительница небольшого портового городка Кэбот-Коув, в штате Мэн, Джессика Флетчер посвящает себя написанию...