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“La signora in giallo” Tocco da maestro 35

35 Episode : Tocco da maestro Corned Beef & Carnage Sarà per la sua predisposizione, per il suo fiuto, o per caso, ma Jessica non riesce...

“Murder, She Wrote” Corned Beef and Carnage 35

35 Corned Beef & Carnage Jessica finds herself in the middle of a case of industrial intrigue when her niece, a talented advertising executive, is...

“Hold the Dream” 12

12 In the conclusion, Paula's plans to divorce Jim and marry Shane are disrupted by a car accident and Emily and Winston set a...

“The Beachcombers” Tricky Moves

A fight breaks out between Jack and Pat. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "The Beachcombers "Tricky Moves ?...

Она написала убийство S:3 E:5 | Соленая говядина и кровопролитие

S:3 E:5 Corned Beef & Carnage Племянница Флетчер Виктория оказывается главной подозреваемой в убийстве своего босса -владельца рекламного агентства Лэри Кинкейда. Виктория рассказывает Джессике, что...