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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Sulle tracce dell’assassino”

Un agente dell'FBI dà la caccia a un rapinatore assassino. L'inseguimento prosegue sulle montagne al confine del Canada dove il ricercato prende in...

“Miami Vice” Voto di fiducia 413

413 Episode : Voto di fiducia Vote of Confidence Celebre telefilm poliziesco in cui hanno recitato gli attori Don Johnson (James "Sonny" Crockett) e Philip Michael...

“Full House” Danny’s Very First Date 117

117 Danny's Very First Date Danny's kids are less than pleased to find out he might date the hive mother of Stephanie's honeybee troop. Stephanie:...

“Beauty and the Beast” Promises of Someday 116

116 Promises of Someday The DA's office hires a new lawyer to work on a case with Catherine, who discovers that he's an impostor connected...

“Girls of Summer”

A teenage rock band gets an offer to tour Europe and hit the big time in this musical., Teen drama about the members...

“Action Jackson”

Ex-football player Carl Weathers stars in this violent action film as Detroit policeman Jericho Jackson. The dedicated but brutal cop is plunged into...

“School Daze”

Dap Dunlap is the politicised student trying to force his black college to drop its South African investments, Half-Pint is the freshman who...

“Dallas” The Best Laid Plans 1119

1119 The Best Laid Plans J.R. and Kimberly concoct a surprise for Sue Ellen; Lisa's disappearance may cancel the trial; Laurel is tracked down by...

“Tanner ’88” The Dark Horse 11

11 The Dark Horse Unknown presidential candidate Jack Tanner (Michael Murphy) and his daughter campaign before the primary in New Hampshire, where they try to...

Randonnée pour un tueur

Steve a abattu froidement la femme d'un bijoutier et sa bonne, qu'il tenait en otages avant de s'enfuir avec un lot de...