Episode : Un regalo di nozze
Something Borrowed, Someone Blue
Il matrimonio di Grady è un caos: l'oca della governante è cotta a puntino, proprio...
The Adventure of the Clapham Cook
La signorina Todd chiede aiuto a Poirot per ritrovare Eliza, la sua cuoca, sparita misteriosamente. Il celebre investigatore,...
A Dump of My Own
Al (Ed O'Neill) devotes himself to his lifelong dream: building his personal, exclusive executive washroom. Peg: Katey Sagal. Kelly:...
Mallory fears history will repeat itself when Jennifer dates the brother of a boy who broke Mallory's heart. Josh: Byron Thames. Mallory: Justine...
In London, Faith Ashley (Jane Asher) interviews candidates to replace agents executed in France. Liz: Kate Buffery. Emily Whitbread: Jane Snowden. Vivien Ashton:...
Something Borrowed, Someone Blue
Grady's wedding is chaotic: the housekeeper's goose is cooked when she checks out with a meat thermometer in her back....
S:5 E:9
Something Borrowed, Someone Blue
Jessica assiste au mariage tant attendu de son neveu Grady Fletcher, mais ses facultés d'enquêteuse sont à nouveau mis...
S:5 E:9
Something Borrowed, Someone Blue
Джессике приходится спасать свадьбу Греди: перед самой церемонией экономку сварливую и дотошную Хариету закололи термометром. Охранник заявляет, что после...
S:1 E:1
The Adventure of the Clapham Cook
Als Mrs. Todd Hercule Poirot bittet, nach ihrer Köchin zu suchen, die spurlos verschwunden ist, ist dieser...