Episode : Averli e saperli tenere
To Have and to Hold
Celebre telefilm poliziesco in cui hanno recitato gli attori Don Johnson (James "Sonny" Crockett)...
Building of the Transcontinental Railroad
Charlie Brown tells the story of "The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad," a grueling project finally completed in 1869...
He-e-e-e-r-e's Papa!
Ex-mobster Joseph Lombardi (Joseph Campanella) searches for the man who killed his son; John Ross rejects Cally while struggling with his parents'...
Tubbs und Gina sind auf eine Hochzeit eingeladen. Maria Ortega heiratet Louis Pendroza. Auf die Limousine des Brautpaares wird ein Anschlag verübt. Louis stirbt...