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“C.H.U.D. II”

Campy sequel about an army of zombies. Steve: Brian Robbins. Kevin: Bill Calvert. Katie: Tricia Leigh Fisher. Bud the Chud: Gerrit Graham. Masters:...

“Growing Pains” Mike and Julie’s Wedding 52

52 Mike And Julie's Wedding In this pivotal episode, both Mike (Kirk Cameron) and Julie (Julie McCullough) suffer pre-marital jitters--to say nothing of a mutual...

“Quantum Leap” Disco Inferno 22

22 Disco Inferno Sam boogies into 1976 as a sexy stuntman working on a disaster flick, but he has to hustle to prevent his brother...

“ThunderCats” The Zaxx Factor 418

418 The Zaxx Factor Vultureman hijacks a space bookmobile to escape Captain Bragg's Circus Train. On board, he learns of the powerful Rosencranz Medallion that...

“Head of the Class” Back to School 41

41 Back to School The class gets new students: the artistic Aristotle (De'voreaux White), all-boys-school refugee Alex (Michael DeLorenzo) and new-ager Viki (Lara Piper). Meanwhile,...

“Wiseguy” Battle of the Barge 32

32 Battle of the Barge The Mafia turf war introduced in the previous episode intensifies when Tommy Chin (George Kee Cheung), a lieutenant of gang...

Johnny Carson

Included: Jason Bateman; Larry Miller; and hospital volunteer Florence Hodges

C.H.U.D 2

Des étudiants se rendent dans la morgue d'un hôpital pour subtiliser un cadavre pour leur cours de science. Problème : il ne...

Bob Ross – The Joy of Painting | Rippling Waters

Rippling Waters 'Jeder Mensch ein Künstler!' Dies berühmt-berüchtigte Motto von Joseph Beuys könnte auch von Bob Ross stammen. Allein, der amerikanische Fernsehmaler hat...