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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” The High Ground 312

312 The High Ground Dr Crusher is kidnapped by a radical terrorist group, leaving the crew with the task of rescuing her., Dr. Crusher is...

“ALF” Gimme That Old-Time Religion 417

417 Gimme That Old Time Religion In accordance with the edicts of his god "Barry", ALF is required to become a minister. Now he must...

“21 Jump Street” Back From the Future 415

415 Back From the Future Jump Street goes back to the future when a 21st-century cop sets out to revive the Jump Street program by...

“The Baby-Sitters Club” The Baby-Sitter’s Special Christmas 15

15 This informative book series features a lesson on true friendship and the spirit of giving. Dawn, Stacey, Claudia, Kristy, Mary Anne and Malory...

“Alien Nation” Generation to Generation 115

115 Generation to Generation A Newcomer skeleton puts George and Sikes on the trail of a Tenctonese box, which sells at auction for $25,000 to...

Star Trek: La nueva generación S:3 E:10 Una causa noble

S:3 E:10 The High Ground La Dra. Crusher es secuestrada por un grupo de terroristas y el líder de la policía Rutian está decidido a...

Raumschiff Enterprise – Das nächste Jahrhundert S:3 E:12 | Terror auf Rutia-Vier

S:3 E:12 The High Ground Während eines Einsatzes auf dem vom Bürgerkrieg gebeutelten Planeten Rutia IV wird Dr. Crusher entführt. Terroristenführer Kyril Finn will die...

Alf S:4 E:17 | Der Jodelpriester

S:4 E:17 Gimme That Old Time Religion Alf besinnt sich auf seine Religion und muss innerhalb von zwei Wochen Priester werden. Dazu muss er Fragen...