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“La signora in giallo” Vendesi villa con morto 615

615 Episode : Vendesi villa con morto Fixer Upper Jessica Fletcher è una scrittrice di gialli che usa il suo acuto spirito d'osservazione e la sua...

“Poirot” Hastings indaga

Double Sin Hastings, dopo aver sentito Poirot esprimere il desiderio di ritirarsi una volta per tutte dall'attività di investigatore, propone all'amico una breve vacanza...

“Married…With Children” You Gotta Know When to Hold ‘Em 416

416 You Gotta Know When to Hold Them: Part 1 Part 1 of 2. Steve leaves Marcy and Bud tries to move in, but Peggy...

“Monsters” One Wolf’s Family

A werewolf (Jerry Stiller) is ready to tear his hair out over his daughter's engagement to a "werehyena" (Robert Clohessy). Greta Lupasian: Anne...

“Wish Me Luck” Episode 6 36

36 Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Wish Me Luck "Episode 6 3 6? A: The main cast includes Kate...

“Booker” Booker and Chick 114

114 An incident from their military past marks Chick and his old Army buddy as the target of assassins. Richard Grieco. Barbara Sterling: Barbara...

“DuckTales” A Ducktales Valentine 318

318 A Ducktales Valentine Scrooge finds the submerged temple of Aphroducky, the goddess of love. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "DuckTales...

“Miracle Landing”

Fact-based story that documents heroism when disaster befalls an airliner over the Pacific. Mimi: Connie Sellecca. Schornstheimer: Wayne Rogers. Michelle: Ana-Alicia. Lansing: Nancy...

Angel Cop The Death Warrant 13

1 3 The Death Warrant The leader of the Red May is in the custody of the SSF, and details begin to emerge of a...

The Simpsons S:1 E:6 | Moaning Lisa

S:1 E:6 Moaning Lisa Lisa befriends a saxophone player, Bleeding Gums Murphy (Ron Taylor), when she develops a case of the Blues., The meaning of...