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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Chip’n Dale Rescue Rangers” Dirty Rotten Diapers

Dirty Rotten Diapers Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Chip'n Dale Rescue Rangers "Dirty Rotten Diapers ? A: The...

“MacGyver” Jenny’s Chance 516

516 Jenny's Chance MacGyver, Jack Dalton and Thornton go undercover as a computer geek, a drug lord and a dirty big-time bookie to make a...

“ALF” Mr. Sandman 420

420 Mr. Sandman When ALF and Willie go prospecting for gold in the desert, the alien surroundings take their toll on them. Kate: Anne Schedeen....

“The Baby-Sitters Club” Claudia and the Mystery of the Secret Passage 18

18 The discovery of a note about quarreling siblings may help Claudia resolve a problem with her sister. Q&A : Q: Who are the main...

21 Jump Street Awomp-Bomp-Aloobomp, Aloop Bamboom 418

4 18 Awomp-Bomp-Aloobomp, Aloop Bamboom Hanson and Penhall join the Spring Break crowds, where they've followed a student suspected of a bombing. Johnny Depp, Peter...

Alien Nation Real Men

Real Men Sikes and the pregnant George investigate the distribution of male Newcomer hormones, the steroids of the '90s. Viktor Wendkos: A.D. Muyich....

21 Jump Street S:4 E:18 | Awomp-Bomp-Aloobomp, Aloop Bamboom

S:4 E:18 Awomp-Bomp-Aloobomp, Aloop Bamboom Hanson and Penhall join the Spring Break crowds, where they've followed a student suspected of a bombing. Johnny Depp, Peter...

Chip ‘n Dale’s Rescue Rangers S:2 E:38 | Dirty Rotten Diapers

S:2 E:38 Disney's resourceful cartoon chipmunks solve crimes and mysteries.

Alien Nation S:1 E:18 | Real Men

S:1 E:18 Real Men Sikes and the pregnant George investigate the distribution of male Newcomer hormones, the steroids of the '90s. Viktor Wendkos: A.D. Muyich....

Star Trek: La nueva generación S:3 E:13 La Enterprise de ayer

S:3 E:13 Yesterday's Enterprise Una grieta en el tiempo altera la historia y se reúne con la tripulación Tasha Yar y con un barco que...